Backordered items are available to purchase now and will be shipped to you as soon as we receive the item at our Estripe warehouse.
On the product information page you will find the current ETA. This is the estimated date that our suppliers have given us for stock to arrive at the Estripe warehouse.
Your order will be shipped out on the day that the stock arrives at Estripe, with the rare exception that it arrives too late in the day, in which case it will be sent the following day.
You will be partially or fully charged when you place your order. We will send email updates to you to confirm estimated arrival dates.
We accept a variety of payment methods, including most major credit cards and popular forms of payment. Accepted payment methods may vary based on country and type of order.
You may have heard that we are now accepting Bitcoin and Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies? In fact, we’ve been accepting digital currencies since 2018, when we were the first retailer to accept Bitcoin as a payment option.
You may return or exchange a complete, new product for any reason within 60 days. Defective products are covered by exchange only. Additional exclusions apply.
We’re here to provide expert advice, so you can find the right technology to suit you and your business. From sole traders to large businesses, we work with businesses of all sizes, across an array of sectors.
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