In-store pricing may vary. Prices and offers are subject to change. © 2025 Estripe. All rights reserved.
Backordered items are available to purchase now and will be shipped to you as soon as we receive the item at our Estripe warehouse. On the product information page you will find the current ETA. This is the estimated date that our suppliers have given us for stock to arrive at the Estripe warehouse. Your order will be shipped out on the day that the stock arrives at Estripe, with the rare exception that it arrives too late in the day, in which case it will be sent the following day. You will be partially or fully charged when you place your order. We will send email updates to you to confirm estimated arrival dates.
We take funds on a backorder to guarantee your position in the queue. This qualifies as a confirmed order that is shared with manufactures who allocate supply to us accordingly. In the past, where funds were not taken, speculative orders were placed across several sites by customers. This meant the allocations to suppliers could not be accurately determined and wrong allocations were made to wrong retailers. Charging for a queue is why we say a backorder guarantees a queue position.
We have two pre-payment options for backordered items: strives to ship backorders as soon as they are received in our fulfillment centers. Our goal is to ensure timely delivery of a backordered item on, or around, the actual release date of the product.
GPUs and Mining machines (backordered items) will be shipped as soon as they are available for release. Using ground shipping, you should receive your backorder within 3–5 business days of its release (in rare cases it may take up to 10 days). To ensure a speedier delivery, alter your shipping option when you place your backorder and choose Two Day or One Day at an additional charge.
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